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  • 15 Basic Computer Science Interview Questions for Freshers

15 Basic Computer Science Interview Questions for Freshers

As soon as you got a computer science interview call, you start wondering how to prepare for it. In this post, I’m going to uncover basic computer science interview questions for freshers. All you need to do is to take a look at these answers and do a little practice.

 Being a computer science student, you already have some clear concepts of different programs and applications of your field. But what is required from your side is to recall the best answer of these most commonly asked computer science interview questions. This recall will you secure one of the best computer science jobs in Pakistan.

Remember, Practice makes a make perfect. 


1.What is a file?

It is the most basic computer science interview question. Normally interviewer starts with basic and then goes to advanced level questions. So, be ready when it happens.

Ans: File is a named location where you store data and information permanently. You always store files inside a storage device by typing a file name. It has primary and secondary names which you separate with a dot (.)

2. What is AI?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It is also known as machine intelligence. This term describes a situation where a computer can think of the way human beings are thinking. A machine can simulate various things which human can do. The purpose of this intelligence for the machine is to enhance its capability to solve problems faster and better than human beings. 

3. What do you know about the TCP / IP model?

It is often listed among basic interview questions and answers for lecturer post in computer science. So, if you want to become a lecturer, then you must prepare a clear-cut answer to this question. 

Ans: TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol while IP stands for Internet Protocol. The current internet architecture is based on TCP/ICP. Protocols referred to as a set of rules that maintain the communication system over a network. The protocol has four layers such as the internet layer, transport layer, application layer, and network access layer.

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4. What is a constructor?

A constructor is a specific method that is used to create an object or class. There are two different kinds of constructors used in computer science: one is named as constructor default and the second is known as parameterized constructor.

5. What are the basic components of a computer system?

It is the most basic computer science interview question. You might even forget all about it after completing your degree. But you never know what is in the interviewer’s mind.

Ans: Here are some basic components of a computer system

  • Central Processing Unit ( arithmetic logic unit and control unit)

  • Memory ( primary memory and secondary memory)

  • Input devices

  • Output devices.

Don't forget to look at a list of 2020 Jobs for Computer Science and Engineering Students

6. What is a Microprocessor?

It is the most commonly asked computer science interview question. Make sure to provide its concise answer. 

Ans: It is an integrated circuit that has all the functions of a central computer processing unit. 

interview questions with answers for computer science

7.What is the difference between primary memory and secondary memory?

Random Access Memory (RAM) is the main memory of the computer, it is directly accessed by the Central Processing Unit (CPU). RAM stores temporary information. Secondary Memory is normally filed storage device. It is the external storage space where you store data and information permanently. 

8.What is the meaning of the IDE?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is a graphical user interface tool that makes it easy for developers to create software applications in an integrated environment; where they can easily access essential programs and libraries in one place.

There will be many technical terms you need to understand before you respond well to challenging computer science interview questions. Make sure you are well-aware of all terminologies.


9. What are the basic OOPS Principles?

There are four basic principle concepts of OOPS: Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.

Sometimes, the interviewer adds basic and Advanced OOPS interview questions, just to test your basic understanding of OOPS. So, don’t forget to check a detailed post which highlights questions and answers commonly asked in the OOPS interview.

If you apply for ecommerce developer jobs in Pakistan, make sure your basic and advanced concepts of computer science projects are clear.


10.What is the difference between Constructor and Method?

A constructor is normally used to initialize the instance of a class while the method is used to perform some function and operation. The method has a return type while Constructor doesn’t have any.

11. What is the use of Singleton Class?

When you want to limit the number of objects created in a class only to one then singleton class can help you with that task. A good thing about this class is its flexibility because when a situation changes you can create more objects for a class. 

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12. What do you know about different kinds of Access modifiers?

There are four main types of access modifiers.

  • Package: visible to the overall package, there is no need for a modifier.

  • Private: Visible to class only

  • Public: Visible to the world

  • Protected: Visible to package and private 

13. What are the multiple inheritances in Java?

The interviewer may ask some common Java Interview questions. So, keep your answer ready. 

Answer: Java provides support to multiple inheritances. It means a class can implement more than one interface but it can’t extend multiple classes. 

 14. What is the difference between Class and Interface?

Answer: Here are some main differences. The interface can not be instantiated, it doesn’t have any constructor. A class implements an interface and extending a class while an interface can extend multiple interfaces.

15.What is an abstract class?

It is one of those interview questions on computer skills which you hardly expect from an interviewer. But he might ask anything. This question is also commonly asked in Java Interview, so you better take a look at Java Interview Questions and Answers for comprehensive preparation.

Answer: It is a class that has an abstract keyword in a declaration. There are different properties of an abstract class.

  • The abstract class can not be instantiated.

  • An abstract class may or may not contain an abstract method but if a class has at least one abstract method, then it must be declared abstract. 

  • To use an abstract class, it is important to inherit it from another class.

Bottom Line

I provided a list of basic Computer science interview questions and answers. Make sure you prepare not only these common questions but also ready your answers for JQuery, .NET related concept. I wish you the best of luck for your interview’s success


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