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  • 9 Must-Have Interview Skills to Ace an Interview

9 Must-Have Interview Skills to Ace an Interview

Going for a Job Interview? Want to win this job? I’m going to uncover 9 must-have interview skills through which you can easily any job you want; no matter how many other candidates are competing you with better experience and skills.

1. Be Careful About Your Body Language

Some people know what to say and when to say but they don’t care much about their body language. The fact is that your body language matters a lot in an interview. The way you sit in front of an interviewer and lean in must be evaluated by your interviewer.

body language interview skills

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Make sure to make a proper eye-contact, because if you don’t then it will signal him your low self-esteem and confidence. No one likes to hire a person who is not confident enough to work in a company.

Another thing to control is your nod. Yes, you can node when there is an agreement is required. But too many of them show them you are not listening or you don’t care. It is one of those interview skills which are often overlooked by a candidate while it plays the most important role in the overall recruitment process.

2. Always go Well-Dressed

You don’t have to buy branded clothes, you only need to look tidy and organized. It is recommended to get an idea about the company dress code from their office or official facebook page. 

interview attire master interview skills

Select an outfit that matches their dress code. In this way, you don’t look and feel different from other employees around you. Selecting a relatable dress will instantly boost your confidence in an interview.

3. Must Listen 

Don’t just talk, try to listen to your interviewer. It happens multiple times that you lose your focus and answer to a question flatly. Interviewers want you to listen and understand a question, and try to know why they are asking this question.

 If you will listen then you will provide your best answer because you already know what kind of answer will be best suited in the given case.

4. Prepare The best Answers of Common Questions 

You can demonstrate your good interview skills when you can provide a great answer to a commonly asked question. For example, Tell Me About Yourself, Tell us a time when you had to deal with an angry customer, etc.

job interview questions to prepare

There are so many basic questions and almost every other kind of interviewer asks about it. They might be some common questions but you don’t have to answer them like other common people.

Remember, you need to ace an interview and this would be possible when you think outside the box and come up with a great and better answer.

Are you a programmer? Check some advanced Programming Interview Questions. The interviewer may ask you about Angular, JAVA or PHP. Check job-specific questions and prepare them well.

Read common interview questions and example answers. The next thing to do is to prepare some answers that show your job related to personal and professional qualities and traits. 


5. Look at Your Resume 

Some interview questions are based on your resume and cover letter. Make sure you give them a good read. Recall whatever you mentioned in it. 

If an interviewer inquires about a specific job role you mentioned in your resume and you act as you forget about it then it will leave a bad impression; he might consider you a liar or irresponsible. 

If you have mentioned some specific interest in a resume, then the next interview question could be related to it. 

In the same manner, when you pitch yourself in a cover letter you use specific words and examples. Read it quickly, so you have a clear idea of how did you pitch yourself. If a question is asked about a cover letter and a story you mentioned there, then you are ready to answer it.

6. Never Give Speedy Answer

One of the best interview skills you can show in an interview is to talk clearly and calmly. Sometimes, candidates speak with great speed. They provide multiple details in a few sentences and keep the interviewer wondering about them.

It is a wrong approach and might make you unfit for a job.

An HR manager likes to hire a person who knows how to convey his message with a few details clearly and concisely. Your talking style matters a lot. Don’t talk like someone is chasing you. 


Talk like a calm, gentle person whose every single word is clear. Also, don’t use ambiguous words.

7. Show your Good Side

If you are an arrogant person with lots of attitudes and you are planning to showcase this kind of personality in an interview then my friend you won’t win any job. Know how your attitude can impact your job search.

A hiring manager never hires a person with attitude issues. Keeping an arrogant person around means adding negativity to the corporate culture. 

No matter how bad you are, you have to show your good side in an interview. It means to show respect, talk politely with everyone. 

You are going to get a job as an employee, so it is among the must-have interview skills to grab this job opportunity. Don’t behave as an employer or boss.

8. Never Forget to Say Thank You: Verbally or Written 

At the end of your interview, don’t forget to say thank you to the interviewer or whole panel. Thanks for allowing you to speak up in front of them. If you do this then you will win some good points in their minds. You will remain in their minds because a good attitude and manners win people’s hearts in no time.

You can also send a thank you card or email the day of your interview. Again the purpose is to remain in the selection list of your employer. Here is how you can write a Thank You email after an interview.

9. Don’t Complain About Your Life, Job or Past Employer

Hiring managers are always want to add those people in their team who show positive attitude and behavior. If you complain about your life or job then you will show negativity. It might not be evaluated as a good trait.

In the same manner, you don’t have to bad mouth about your employer. It might be true that your old boss was a jerk and had some rough behavior due to which you decided to leave that job. But don’t blame him or others.

Stay Positive and it is indeed among the most vital interview skills that land you on your dream job immediately.

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