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  • How Do you Deal with Conflict Interview Question with Sample Answers

How Do you Deal with Conflict Interview Question with Sample Answers

Conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. Therefore a hiring manager always asks, "How do you deal with a conflict interview question. In this post, I will tell you how to handle different kinds of conflict questions that you probably would encounter in your job interview.

Like I always say, before creating the best answer to a question, it is vital to know what your hiring manager would love to hear.

To ace a job interview, you should try to get a complete understanding of the question. This understanding would help you come up with the best answer.

What Interviewer wants to know from the question "How do you handle conflict?"

He wants to know how you play along with others. After getting this job, your sole duty is not only to complete your job but also to work with your colleagues, team, and Boss.

When you start interacting with others in diverse work cultures, then you experience the Difference of Opinion at one point. It could be with your Boss, your colleague, your client, and even with your team members.

No matter who is the person you have conflict it, you must know how to deal with it professionally.

From the conflict interview question, a Hiring Manager would like to take an insight into your behavior.

Are you good at handling conflict? Answer: I am good at finding a solution to the conflict. How do you feel when someone disagrees with you? Answer: It's a normal thing to consider.

conflict interview questions with answers

Do you get angry if your Boss doesn't like your opinion? Answer: Not at all.

In simple words, you need to be a little DIPLOMATIC in your answer to a conflict interview question.

What is the best answer for Conflict-Resolution Interview Question?

The best answer is one when you say that you understand a fact of life i.e., Difference of opinion. Not everyone thinks alike. You UNDERSTAND not only that fact but also RESPECT it. You take it as a NORMAL thing of your life.

In every relationship, whether it is a professional or personal conflict is INEVITABLE. So, admit that thing and tell your hiring manager that you have a straightforward approach to handle it.

Direct Approach: Sit down with the person, discuss the matter, and find a solution based on mutual understanding.

Never Say "It is either My Way or HIGH-Way," else you won't get that job in Pakistan, even when you are qualified enough.

Conflict Interview Questions and Answer:

Tell me about a time when you had a Conflict with your Boss

Yes, this situation is pretty standard. I was hoping you wouldn't say I never faced that situation because it's nothing but a lie.

Instead, say that you don't like that situation and must say that it was a challenging scenario for you. Make sure you don't bad mouth your Boss because bashing your ex-boss won't help you land on a new job in Pakistan.

Example Answer: When my manager asked me to come up with a new Pitch for the client because he thought that the one I gave wouldn't work, then I listened to him. I talked to him and got his opinions on some practical strategies I could add to my new pitch. I won't say that it was an easy thing to do; it was like starting from square one on a project. However, we worked it out, and I came up with a new pitch that was more viable.

how do you deal with conflict interview question and answer

Q.Can you Recall a Time when Your Team member disagrees with you?

It is one of the most common behavioral interview questions about team conflict- which is a prevalent work scenario. Be ready to give its answer in a Diplomatic tone. Again, don't say anything wrong about the person.

Example Answer: Once we were working on a web design project. I was working as a team leader. My team members Asad and Hamza, we're sharing some new ideas. I liked interactive web design with the blue theme, while Hamza didn't like that theme at all. He said that we should play with another theme because blue was a common theme. I asked other team members what they were thinking. The blue theme of the web looks more appealing to me, and it's easy to eyes too. According to Hamza, the dark theme like black-grey would look classy. I asked web designers to refresh the site with both pieces because I won't mind doing A/B testing on web themes.

Now when you look at this conflict with the co-worker interview question answer, you can see how diplomatic it is. I didn't mention that Hamza's idea was a bad one, and he didn't think it through. Instead, I tell my Interviewer I genuinely respect the opinion of my team members even when I am leading the team. This is how you paint a picture of "Good employee at the workplace" in the mind of your Interviewer when he asks conflict interview question.

A pivotal point to Note: An interviewer asks conflict-resolution interview questions in different forms by creating situations with other people.

How did you handle an angry customer?

Tell us a time when you had to satisfy an unhappy customer?

What did you do when your colleagues hate your idea?

How do you handle conflict at work?

Tell us a time when your manager gives zero weight to your opinion on a task?

In every answer, you will apply the STAR technique. You will describe:

  • Situation ( conflict)

  • Task you have in that situation ( your role)

  • Action you took in that situation

  • Result you got. You resolved the conflict with your positive handling approach.

Do this, and you can win any job interview.

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