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  • 15 Small But Important Things To Observe In Interviews.

15 Small But Important Things To Observe In Interviews.

If you are invited to a job interview this means that your CV and cover letter got the recruiters appreciation. Your mission does not stop there. You are invited to convince recruiters that you are made for this job. Here are the top 15 small tips to ace this meeting.

Job Interviews in Belgium

job interviews in Belgium

A job interview is a selective process to decide final applicants. Your application file is not enough to prove your eligibility for the job. Employers choose to make a meeting to confirm the eligibility of the selected applicants. They only know these people through their CVs. That’s why this meeting is so important to discover the lucky winners. But, there is no single rule in conducting this interview. The Belgium recruiting system can rely on more than a single meeting to hire the final applicant. That’s why, you can expect a second interview, in which you will meet the recruiter or one of his/ her hiring agents. To boost your chances in passing this day, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a website that will help grasp a clear vision of your professional future.

1.Conduct Research:

Being invited to a job interview requires a prior knowledge of the field, the work environment and the specific departments including their managers. The Internet and social networks are your best friends at this stage. You should gather the necessary information about your target job, by understanding its main objectives, activities and collaborations. If you have a few remarks, do not hesitate to note them and discuss them later in a job interview. Take a look at Business culture in Belgium

2. Care for your Clothing

When you go to a job interview it is essential to take care of your look. Depending on the job you are applying for, you can decide your outfit. your clothing should reflect the brand image of the sector in which you will operate. For example, for an interview in a law firm or a bank, you wear classic clothes. If you are applying to a communication agency, you can go for a more relaxed style by putting patterns that will show your creativity.

3. Punctuality:

Leave a good impression by coming on time. Although arriving late can be justified, try to be punctual on this day. Being on time can tell a lot about your professional commitment. it is recommended to reach the meeting 15 minutes before the interview starts..

4. Reorder your Thoughts:

Learn about the job interview process. You should know what kind of information you should employ to structure your answers. This interview is not about offering too perfect answers. It is rather about being realistic and suitable for the job. If you think that you don’t have a lot of experience, list your skills. Be selective in talking about your professional history. Think about eliminating the jobs that have no connection to the current position you have applied for.

5.Prepare the common Interview Questions:

Anticipate the answers to the most common questions. Here are a few employer’s questions to work on as a priority: tell me about yourself, why did you choose this job, what did you learn during this internship, what are your strengths and your weaknesses, what are your salary expectations? Know how to answer them. It is often your mission to communicate with your employer.

6. Be Confident

self-confidence in job interviews

Are you stressed? Even employers are stressed too, choosing the wrong candidate can bring serious consequences. Confidence is essential here to prove that you are the right candidate for this position. Speak in a calm tone. Support your presence by looking the recruiter in the eye, and above all mind your body language.

7. Work on motivation

Show your motivation, especially when you are passionate about joining the company’s team. Even if you are an entry-level applicant and you feel that you cannot compete with the rest of the candidates, you should show interest in the job. Try to be active during this meeting by being interactive; your communication with your interviewer can also confirm your enthusiasm.

7. Prepare good questions to ask the recruiter during an interview

At the end of your meeting, recruiters will suggest you ask any questions. Try to be interactive on this occasion. Ask perfect questions related to career development in case of being accepted. Do not limit your questions to payment and financial benefits.

8. Keep smiling:

 The first impression is often the right one. This is the image recruiters will remember of you. To put the odds in your favor for a successful interview, come with a smile and with your good attitude. At first, you will be more comfortable and your recruiter will realize your open personality

9. Having a good posture:

Your posture is an important point in the success of your interview. Your body language will reflect certain traits of your personality. First, do not cross your arms because this gesture reflects the fact that you are not open-minded. Then, do not stay seated in the back of your seat and try to lean towards the person you are talking to, without crossing your legs. These simple tips will make your recruiter feel like you are a confident person.

10. Do not lie

attitude in job interviews

 Structuring fake answers will not help you get the job. Do not lie about your professional reality be it in your CV or in your meeting. Actually, everything you said in the job interview will be verified later. Take a look at; The Reasons Why We Love Graduates

11. Know how to negotiate:

Your salary expectations are often discussed at the end of the interview. Show that you have value, as you aspire to get what you deserve. Offer a range rather than a specific number, gross rather than net. Clarify what is included in the salary (perks, bonuses?) Disappointed by the amount? Ask if it is possible to renegotiate it after the trial period.

12 Send a Thank you email:

It is important to send a thank you emailafter a week of the interview, stating your motivation. End by specifying that you will contact the recruiter in 15 days or that you are waiting to hear from them, depending on what was agreed upon at the end of the interview.

13. Prepare for a second job interview:

Sometimes your interview will entail a second interview. Be prepared for a second round and do not hesitate to keep the same motivational attitude.

14. Bring the job interview essentials:

As a candidate, you should bring with you certain documents such as a copy of your application documents, as you will need them while arranging your work contract.

15. Reschedule the meeting:

If you don’t feel ready for the day, you can postpone this meeting by requesting another date. Rescheduling a job interview is not a sign of failure. You better go in a perfect state rather than ruining and losing the whole opportunity. There is no obligation to push yourself for a job interview you are not ready to handle.

These were the top 15small tips to consider before attending a job interview in Belgium. Doot forget that this interview can be conducted remotely. That’s why you need to provide the tools enabling you to communicate in a remote way. 


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