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How to Answer: Why Do You Think You are Suitable for this Job?

Have you been invited to several job interviews, but you feel worried about answering some interview questions? No need to worry, Fratres provides well-detailed tips to answer tough interview questions. Why do you think you are suitable for this job sounds as simple as a question. But offering the best answer is more stringent than you can imagine. Here is How to Crack a Face to Face Interview

Why Employers use This Question:

why this interview question

What makes you think you are the best for this job? Why are you the one for this job? These are general interview questions that sound similar to why we should hire you. Interviewers are always interested in the applicant’s self-vision as a potential employee. They want to know what you can do to win this job and persuade them that you are the best candidate.

How to Prepare for a Job Interview?

In general, interviewers are looking for applicants that effectively better contribute their professional goals and objectives. As a candidate, you need to show that you are eligible for their offer. You need to tailor your answer to the list of requirements mentioned in the job description. In every field, there are some conditions to obtain a job. Many applicants have a percentage of these conditions and have the requirements for the job. The difference lurks in offering a great determinant answer that convinces employers that you are the one. Take a look at  

Now, here is one you need to do How To Prepare For An Internship Interview?

Make Sure You are Ready for the Day:

A job interview is an essential part of coining a job. Try to get ready for this big day, without fears or worries. If you have some circumstances that prevent you from coming or preparing for this interview, you can send an email to reschedule this meeting. Here is How to Reschedule an Interview?

Make Sure that You are the Best Match:

You are not the only candidate coming to meet employers to get the job. Thousands like you are coming for the same purpose and have the same degree. Now, you have to overcome competitors and prove that you are suitable for this job.

Try to Attract Attention:

break the ice

Attention seeking is not a negative aspect of a job interview. It is not also related to the way you are looking for. You need to grab the interviewer’s intentions by staying away from boring and classic answers. Try to break the ice by establishing exciting conversations. Here is how to behave: Breaking the Ice: 5 Ways to Get a Conversation Going With Your Next Boss.

Show your Excitement for the Job Offer:

The purpose of a job interview is to test the level of interest you have for this job. Keep in mind that this interest should not only be based on salaries and compensation. Give space to other points, such as this job is my dream job. I was working hard to reach this level. In other terms, show them that this job is not for granted; you worked hard to reach them. Mind your ego following this article: Overqualified for a Job? Be Careful About 5 Things in Interview

 Sell Yourself:

If employers are offering a job, what would you give in return? Think about the promises and commitments. Try to prove to them that you are ready to commit and follow the rules of their workplace culture. Here is  How to Sell Yourself in an Interview

sell yourself

Best Ways to Answer this Interview Question:

Every candidate should bring an exciting answer, based on strong arguments to convince employers. To make yourself the ideal candidate for this job, you need to draw a connection between your traits and the employer’s requirements for this job. You can match your skills, your qualifications, and your interests in the proposed job.

Moreover, you can bring various reasons to show employers that you are the best candidate for the job following these examples :

For many reasons, I think I am the best for this job. First, I have spent a reasonable amount of time working on getting this job. I have achieved the necessary experience that allows me to meet all terms and conditions for this job. I am sure that I can contribute positively to this firm because this job is part of my plans.

I am suitable for this job because I have the required skills and qualifications listed in this job offer. I can correctly handle the tasks and the duties related to this profession with excitement and creativity. My training and internship have introduced me to this job that I have always wanted, and I am immensely working to give my best.

My previous work experience has shaped my professional skills. This job offer is an exciting milestone in my career path. When I read the job description, I felt that this job is done for me. It perfectly matches my personality, my talents, and, more precisely, the set of skills that I have earned. That’s why I think I am suitable for this job. You can also check; Describe What You are Looking for in Your Next Job.

These were two various examples to show employers that you are the one for this job. Try to structure a suitable answer following these guidelines. You can also join Fratres for more professional advice.


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