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Tips for Writing an Entry Level Accounting Cover Letter With Example

Every kind of job requires a cover letter in which you are going to explain why a company has to hire you. Today, I'm going to share an example of an entry-level accounting cover letter along with some tips.

I intend to make sure that you get your entry-level accounting jobs. A thing about an entry-level position is that it doesn't pay you six-figure, but it is a way of keeping your foot in the door, which will open up high paying job opportunities

In other words, when you don't work as an entry-level accountant, then how can you expect to have a high-level position. You need to take a start from an entry position to soar higher and higher in your career. Check multiple career opportunities in Accounting Profession.

Entry Level Accounting Cover Letter Writing Tips

Before you write a cover letter, here are some tips that you must have to keep in mind.

Share Only Those Details that Matters- You won't say that I got an accounting degree, so hire me as an accountant. Tell them you are working as an accountant in the company already and you want to switch for a better place. 

Sell Yourself- Experience and skills matters the most, almost every other employer is looking for it. So, what you need to do is to sell yourself on the basis of those skills. If you have got years of experience and excellent accounting skills, then brag a little about them, and it is how you can land on a job. Don’t Forget to Prepare Common Accounting job Interview Questions with Answers.

Always Proof Read - No matter how tight a deadline of a job is, you are not going to send any cover letter without proofreading. A minor mistake has the power to turn the table for you. Check every single word you write in your cover letter, read it aloud, so you can know how it sounds. Double-check a cover letter before sending it. Tap on the best proofreading Tips.

Add Something New - The most significant mistake done by many people who apply for an entry-level accounting job is that they don't change the details. They copy features from their resume and paste it on the cover letter. It's not what you should do. Try to add some new and refreshing details in your entry-level accounting job cover letter.


April 25, 2020

Michele Martin

Hiring Manager

ABC Company

Street Address



Dear Hiring Manager:

I checked your ad on the (ABC page) about an entry-level accountant position. Right now, I am working as an accounting clerk in the XYZ company. However, I am ready to become a part of ABC company, which I have been following since the day I decided to join an accounting career. I always got inspiration from ABC company's innovative approach that led this company to skyrocket its success in all those years.

During three-years of my job as an accounting clerk in the XYZ company, I have gained the experience and polished the accounting skills that I firmly believe would help me do better at ABC company. As a clerk, I managed and handled accounts receivable and proposed some ways of cutting daily operational cost in the company. My three years of experience with the company's financial statement and invoicing can help me contribute to ABC company's objective quite well.

Recently, I tacked the role of a junior accountant, where I worked closely with small business clients and individuals. Last year, I handled enormous responsibilities, such as preparation of tax documents and development & implementation of best practices of cost-reduction.

My strong book-keeping skills with an eye to detail and supreme accuracy would make me an asset to ABC Company. Without any doubt, I could take initiatives with my goal-oriented approach to offer you the best accounting service.

It would be an honor for me if you let me speak with you more about this current accounting position in your company. You can contact me anytime to schedule a face-to-face meeting or interview. Thank you for your consideration.

I am looking forward to working with you.


Hannah Montana



Do you know some challenges of accounting jobs?

Important Notes: 

ABC company is where you are going to apply for a junior accountant or an entry-level accountant job. While XYZ is a company where you worked as an accounting clerk or junior accountant at the present times.


In case you haven't done any job yet but are going to apply for an entry-level accounting job, then you should mention your volunteer experience in a company or an internship. Put something noteworthy on your hiring manager's plate, so your cover letter tastes better and increases your chances of hiring. You should know why does an entry-level job require experience.

Wrap Up

An entry-level accounting cover letter is not a difficult letter to write. However, you should try to impress your hiring manager with your skills and also the formal writing style. Make sure to leave the best first impression.

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