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What is a Supporting Statement, How to Write One (Check Template)

A person looks at job ads and gets confused when a recruiter asks an applicant to submit a supporting statement alongside a CV. It's a point where you will get confused and start wondering what a supporting statement looks like. If that's your question, then stop looking around because, in this blog post, I will provide every detail about a supporting statement, such as what it is and how to write one. I will share a simple supporting statement template to create your statement as quickly as possible. 

What is a Supporting Statement?

A supporting statement is precisely like a cover letter. You will mention your experience, accomplishments, and skills. This statement provides some context of CV to your recruiting manager. However, it doesn't mean you will repeat all things in the CV in this statement. 

It means that you would offer supporting evidence of all skills and experience you mentioned in your CV. You will explain why you are applying for a specific role and how your skills and experiences are aligned with the company's objective.

You will "Sell Yourself" in a supporting statement. Thereby, it must be well-crafted. For every job opening, there are more than 100 candidates. It's vital to create the best first impression with this statement, so your resume doesn't end up on the recruiter's table just like other candidate resumes.hire me how to write a supporting statement template

Try to stand out from the crowd.

Tips for Writing a Supporting Statement

Before I tell you how to write a statement, you should know some vital tips you need to keep in mind while writing this application letter UK. 

Don't Repeat Anything

Some people have a misconception about a supporting statement. They think that they need to highlight all the same things mentioned in their CV. However, your statement shouldn't repeat all details of your resume. It must offer a better context of your professional experience and skills. It can mention a few things but not all items on your CV. Focus on selling yourself and the best skills you have.

Write a New Statement Every Time

During a job search, a candidate wants to make the most of his time. Thereby, he applies for multiple jobs simultaneously while using the same CV and supporting statement. It's a big mistake. 

Instead of applying to multiple job positions at once, you should tailor your application to one or two job positions. Read job descriptions and try to find out what the employer is looking for in the "best-fit" candidate. 

Now create a statement and resume that reflects job descriptions and ads. If you send the same statements to all employers, your application doesn't tailor to the recruiter's requirements. Thereby, your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers are slim to none. That's not your end goal. Is it?

Do you want to keep throwing darts in the air? It would be best if you looked into your target - job position so that next time you throw a dart, it sticks at some point at your target.

achievements supporting statement examples

Give a Job Reference

You need to provide a job reference in one line so that the recruiter understands what job position you are applying for. This reference is a must to identify your interest in an open job position. There is a possibility that a recruiter might place more than one job ad. If you don't give a reference, he might get confused. 

Get Clear Idea on: How to Write a Personal Reference Letter

Keep it Simple and Concise

You might have a long professional story to add to your statement but remember, recruiters, are busy people. They don't have much time to check every professional angle of your life. Therefore, keep your supporting statement to-the-point. 

For comprehending your statement, highlight only the most essential and noteworthy professional life achievements. No one has time to read a lengthy statement. 

The length of your supporting statement for an email should be something between 300-600 words. When you are going with a formal hand-written letter, it must not be longer than one-page.

Always Proofread

Sometimes, you write an impeccable supporting statement, but it is full of grammar and spelling mistakes. Do you think those errors would create any impact? Well, the answer is no. If an employer spots some mistakes, it's the point of your application rejections. All your efforts to create an impression will go down the drain.

Therefore, you should always proofread a statement. It will help you fix all your mistakes. Besides, an overview of statements enables you to get an idea of what sentences need a better structure. It's how you improve this statement.

How to Write a Supporting statement?

You have a clear concept of the statement; the next thing is to know how to write it. 

Introduction- Brief Summary

The first paragraph of your supporting statement is all about you. Who are you? What do you do? And also a reference. It's a way of introducing yourself. Try to provide the specification of your job role so a reader gets an idea of what you do.

Opening Example of Supporting Statement:

 I'm a marketing manager who has been working in the marketing department of Next Generation for more than four years. I checked your job ad at fratres.net, and I found myself quite interested in the marketing head position. My four years of marketing field experience make me the right candidate for this job position.

See in this example; you told the recruiter all about your work and experience. Besides, you say that your work experience makes you the right candidate for an opening position.

Paragraph 2-Achievement and Accomplishment

In the second paragraph, you will give an example of your past accomplishment and achievement in a story format. You will use the CAR model to create this paragraph.

  • C-Context 
  • A-Action
  • R-Results

Context Explains:

What problem did you face?

What was your job objective?

What was the job role?

What was the situation?

Action explains:

What you did to find a solution for a problem or handle a situation. Or how well you meet job objectives or take care of your job responsibilities. When you describe roles, you should ensure that you talk about what you did, not what your boss or team did, because the hiring manager is interested in your position, not someone else. So, you better sell yourself.


What you accomplished?

What you achieved?

What was the result?

How well did you do it?

Important Point: You will read a job description and figure out what accomplishment or achievement an employer would be interested in. For example, a customer service job requires you to perform well with customers. A marketing management job requires you to do something very well to well-position a company's brand. You need to create a situation in which a recruiter is interested. Add those accomplishments that have some value in the eye of the recruiter. Keep the case relevant.

Example of writing the second paragraph of a supporting statement.

Customer-Care Job

  • Context-I had to deal with demanding customers who weren't happy with our product features. 
  • The action, I explained to him how our product could add value to his life, and he thanked me for this explanation. 
  • Result-He left a five-star review on your Facebook page

Social Media Manager Job

  • Context- I had two months to boost the company's social media account's engagement level.
  • Action- I run ad campaigns and joined multiple engagement groups on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
  • Results: Our company enjoyed a 200 percent boost in user engagement across all social media platforms in less than two months.

Third Paragraph- Focus on Skills 

Skills matter the most in almost every industry. For getting an idea of what kind of skills your recruiter would be interested in, go back and check ads. Use a pen and underline all skills mentioned by the employer in this advertisement. 

What if the recruiter doesn't mention any skill? Another good idea is to check the online job description and get an idea of what kinds of skills are essential for a particular role.

Examples of writing the third paragraph of Supporting Statement

Communication Skills

Once I got a call from an upset customer because he didn't get his order delivery yet. I asked him to give me some time so that I could look into the matter. I immediately contacted the logistic department and found out that his order was misplaced. So, I asked them to dispatch it immediately. I called the customer and explained the matter. I gave him an exact date when he could expect delivery; he was happy that I responded to his complaint in no time.

Understand: Why Recruiters Hire Candidates with Good Communication Skills?

Organization and Management Skills

I know how important it is to deliver a project on time. So, I make the most to-do list. At the start of every week, I create a calendar for my team to assign tasks to every team member. I set task priorities for everyone, so no one misses the work deadline. I work closely with your team to deliver projects timely and without causing any inconvenience. 

Analytical Skills

My primary duties at the logistical department are to ensure that every order is dispatched on time. Besides, I check the accuracy of every order. I maintain a full record of orders and keep an eye on every single order so that a customer doesn't get a wrong order or late order. My attention to detail skills help me perform my job very well.

Interpersonal skills

I am committed to providing excellence to our clients. I listen to their requirements and try to understand their needs; after that, I offer them what they need, and it's how our company builds a loyal customer base. Explore Some Ways to improve analystical skills

Paragraph 4- Why Should a Company Hire You?

You explained your role, accomplishment, and skills. Now you need to tell the company why they should hire you and how your skills and experience would add value. As you know, they have already many other candidates waiting for an interview call, so you need to sell yourself at this point.

Get an Answers of Question - Why We Hire You?

Keep in mind your main intention of writing a supporting statement, "getting an interview call." So, try to fulfill this purpose.


I noticed that your company is looking for a social media manager who can boost user engagement rate. I have already handled this task in my previous role, where my company received an instant boost in engagement level. I want to use my creative marketing skills to position your brand well on every social platform.

Example 2-

I believe you are looking for an excellent team player who can do efficient management of a project. I never missed a project deadline in my past role. I am planning to use the same proactive approach for your company.

Last Paragraph - Call to Action

Create your closing paragraph in a way that a recruiter would like to call you for an interview. For this purpose, show your interest again in the job. Please share your contact details to contact you and write a closing line that convinces him to give you a chance. Best call to action phrases ideas.

Examples of writing a Closing line of a Supporting Statement

  1. I am a dedicated marketing manager who would like to become a part of your marketing team. You can contact me through my email or call (write number). I would be waiting for your immediate response.
  3. I am a creative web designer who would like to work with your company. Feel free to contact me anytime through my email or phone number. Give me a chance, and you will never regret it.

I will be looking forward to your response.

A Supporting Statement Template

Marry Nicolas


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Dear Recruiting Manager,

I'm an experienced social media manager working for the SM department of Deluxe Hub for three years. I checked your job ad at Fratres, net in which you are looking for a social media marketing head. The job ad matches my skill-set and experience. Therefore I am writing this email to demonstrate my knowledge and experience for this job opening.

Last year, my company launched a brand new product, and I had to position that brand across all social media networks. I use both paid and free promotional tools to create new product awareness and make a good market. After three months of campaigns, the company witnessed a skyrocketing demand for its new product, posited well in the digital world.

As a social media manager, my job is to keep every social account up-to-date. At the start of the month, I create a content plan based on market trends and customer's interests. I work closely with the graphic design team to make a visual impact on our customers. My creativity skills allow me to develop unique ideas through which I maintain customer's interest and engagement in every single post.

I noticed that you need a social media manager who can make a difference on Facebook and Instagram. I firmly believe that my creative skills and 3-years of experience as a social media manager make me a good fit for this job. I want to use effective social media marketing methods and techniques through which your brand would enjoy an instant boost in the digital world.

It would be an honor for me to join your marketing team as a social media manager. Feel free to contact me through my email [email protected].

I am looking forward to your quick response.

Best Regards,

Marry Nicolas 

Wrap up

Finally, you know what a supporting statement is and how to write one. Besides, you get an idea of the best tips for writing this statement. I would suggest you use the same supporting statement examples and templates to create your statement quickly.

Best of Luck!

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