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What Should a Flight Attendant Put on a Resume?

The application process for any job in Qatar starts by submitting a resume. This document is a single page length and includes all the necessary professional information of new applicants. Are you planning to land a flight attendant job? Do you want to know what best works for a successful resume? Let’s take a look at the killer’s resume tips with detailed explanations to make your application more unique and eye-catching.

What to Include in a Flight Attendant Resume?

resume tips in Qatar for a flight attendant

A flight attendant's resume has a clear format. It consists of 5 basic elements with short and precise information. Before starting working on this resume, visit Fratres to get hints about the exclusive professional updates in Qatar. What makes a resume acceptable and meeting the standards?

A Photo:

Qatar includes various job opportunities related to hospitality, customer service, tourism and traveling, etc…These fields require applicants who can represent the organization in a good way. Since cabin crew jobs have certain physical conditions. A photo is required in a resume placed on the top of one of your resume corners. You can download a resume template that includes a photo location in which you can upload a professional photo. How to Take the Perfect Selfie CV Photo

Your Name: of course, your Name should be placed on top of your resume so that employers know who you are. Choose the necessary word size and spacing. Write your Name, placing your first Name then your last Name. Some applicants from French-speaking backgrounds like North African countries put the last name then the first name. This version is wrong. Just write your Name in the regular order and use capitalization following your family name. Here is; Qatar Airways: Recruitment Process and Why Do People like to Join?

Your statistics: this section is a bit ambiguous in a resume. Many applicants do not realize that putting their age, height, and weight can be included in a Cabin Crew resume. Place this information just beneath or under your Name in smaller characters. Here is an example

Awatef Hamdi, 28 years old, 1,70m, 65Kg or Awatef Hamdi

                                                                          28 years old, 1,70m, 65Kg


Why this version? In Qatar, Cabin crew jobs are age-restricted jobs. Therefore, applicants who overcome the required age cannot apply. In addition, applicants who don’t correspond to the eligibility criteria in terms of age, height, and weight are excluded from the application process.

Contact information: how can recruiters reach you? Of course, you should put your phone number if you have a Qatar phone chip. If you are still in your native country, put your Whatsapp number. You should also include your professional email straight after your phone/Whatsapp number. Here is an example:

Awatef Hamdi, 28 years old, 1,70m, 65Kg

       (+216) 444 4444

[email protected] 

 or Awatef Hamdi

  28 years old, 1,70m, 65Kg

         (+216) 444 4444

  [email protected]

resume do and don't

This professional heading is suitable for your resume, and CV. it catches the employer’s attention as it confirms your eligibility to the requirements, especially the age limit. This heading is applicable to all candidates of both genders. You should not include:

  • Your marital status
  • Your religion
  • your gender
  • Your mail address
  • Your shoes and clothes size

All this information is not concerned with the cabin crew jobs and should not be exposed in a resume heading.

Work Experience:

This section comes after completing the heading of your resume. It is related to experienced applicants who have been active in:

  • cabin crew jobs
  • secretarial jobs
  • tourism and travel agency jobs
  • customer-service jobs

All these jobs have a few common tasks available in cabin crew roles, such as welcoming passengers, introducing essential travel information, giving guidelines and directions in many languages, listening to the complaints and queries, etc…

That’s why, if you are an applicant having prior experience and qualifications in the mentioned fields do not hesitate at mentioning them. One more note! Order your work experiences in a chronological order starting with the most recent one. You should not mention:

Jobs that are not client-centric or far from tourism and hospitality such as, back-office jobs, retail jobs, security jobs. Here is an example:

Work Experience:

  • Flight Attendant, Emirates Airlines, 2019-20
  • Travel Agent, Jumeirah Booking Center, Dubai, 2016-19

Education: Non experienced applicants can prepare for this section after writing a profile. Experienced applicants, on the other hand, have to place it after mentioning their work experience. Education includes all the job-related qualifications. do not include non related degrees or advanced studies degrees, as it might be classified as overqualified for the job. If you are from a foreign country, mention the qualification that is equivalent to Qatar diplomas.


What skills should a flight attendant put in a resume? So many skills are related to this field. Some of them are:

  • Hard skills: Skills related exclusively to the professional field you have applied for or studied, during a specific time
  • Soft skills : skills that can easily mastered and acquired through practice such as communication skills, negotiation skills, organizational skills
  • Transferable skills: skills that are obtained from various experiences in life such as leadership, problem-solving, teamwork

you should select at least one from each type and put it in your resume. use keywords skills, which are the skills written in the job offer. But don’t copy all of them.

Training/ Internship:

resume tips

non-experienced applicants should include this section to make their resume stand out. It is also preferable that your cabin crew training takes place in one of Qatar airline companies. If your internship is less than 4 months you should not include it as this period is not enough to look for a job. You rather look for other paid internship opportunities. Internship should at least last 6 months for Cabin crew jobs  


This is an interesting section that can close your resume. Hobbies can reflect your personality and demonstrate your eligibility for the job, especially if they share common tasks such as traveling.

Don’t forget an Arab version of your resume to increase the chances of being hired. Here is; How to Write a Resume for Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Jobs?

This is all about the do and don’t in a Cabin crew resume following the Qatar standards for applicants interested to join a Flight Attendant Career.





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